Thursday, 28 October 2010

Autumnal Evenings

Well, autumn is definitely here and pool sessions start next week.  I’ve been thinking of my goals for this year:
1)     Learn to back deck roll
2)    Learn to roll polo boat properly
3)    Learn to hand roll reliably
4)    Hand roll polo boat
I had lots of ambitions last year and many of them remain unfulfilled so perhaps I have to lower my expectations. 
Over the winter, we are going to try and do all the necessary shenanigans to complete UKCC Level 2 but I’m not sure we’ll manage – I’ve already had an extension to complete.IMGP0146 Canoe practice
Once that’s done, I can concentrate on personal skills and prepare for the 4* assessment I’m never going to be good enough to take….
IMGP1329 4* training
Being Autumn also means it’s time for yoga.  I think that doing yoga, especially the seated twists is excellent for kayakers and I keep telling my coachees to sit up in the boat like they’re doing yoga.  This probably makes me sound even more daft than usual!
 The gathered cars and kayaks at PO’09

We are about to start organising Paddle Orkney 11 which is the follow on event from Paddle Orkney 09.  I hope that as well as the coached sessions and trips, we can also have morning yoga in preparation.  We will all have to learn to do ‘boat pose’!
boat_pose Boat pose
To keep up to date with all that is happening with Paddle Orkney ‘11, visit our website, keep an eye on this blog or join our facebook group.
Paddle Orkney Logo


  1. I thought you said no negativity allowed!

    Right lets get in that canoe!
    Not all at the same time, obviously...we'll make an orderly queue...

  2. Yes, I was a bit negative, but at least I have got a little enthusiasm back!

    Yes canoe....10 hours.....
