Saturday, 9 October 2010

Back on the water

Well… It’s been a few months since I last blogged.  I’m afraid I suffered a bit of a burn out earlier in the year and haven’t really been in a boat all summer.  Now polo season has started, I was persuaded back into the (warm) water and today I sat in my sea kayak as part of a LTPD and club development workshop.

IMGP0145Peter and Dennis take advantage of the SCA canoes IMGP0148 Peter, Kye and Kate discuss what evil tasks they can set the kayakersIMGP0149 Ansgar with Mark McKerral who delivered the course

In the morning we discussed LTPD and how it related to what we do as clubs.  Then it was out onto the water to look at Cross-Stream Challenge and Paddle Power.  We set each team different tasks using the published cards and it was a fun learning experience for adults!

In the afternoon we discussed Club Development and the ways in which we would like to take our clubs forward.

Then it was time for cake!

IMGP0136Antje cake!

 IMGP0152                     It was only fitting that Antje herself cut the cake!

An enjoyable and useful day and maybe the shove I need to get out there again…..